About Us

Carley - Owner

In 7th grade I told my best friend I wanted to own my own store. Fast forward to 2022, when bloom was created. I was getting my hair done and my stylist asked me if I would be interested in starting a boutique attached to the salon. Less than 2 weeks later we were painting the walls and ordering clothes. I never thought my childhood dream would become a reality and I feel so blessed to be doing this work. I am 5'10 and typically wear a medium.

Krista - Utility

Krista literally does. it. all. I would be lost without her! Technically, she is my accountant but she wears every other hat too! The ultimate hype queen during photoshoots, the one who keeps me under budget, the creative brain behind the majority of the reels, and when needed she jumps in front of the camera to model! She is 5'9 and typically wears a medium. bloom. wouldn't be possible and certainly wouldn't be any fun without her!

Alexa - Model

Alexa has been my friend for several years and when I asked her to model she reluctantly said yes (her words not mine). She has quickly grown to love it and does an amazing job! Alexa is 5'5 and typically wears a 2x.  When she isn't modeling, she is teaching kindergarten, directing the Little Miss Vermilion County Fair Pageant, or spending time with her boyfriend. We hope they get engaged! ;)

Desi - Model

Desi was a member of the cheer squad I coached when I was way too young to be in charge of high schoolers. Her sass and spunk was the perfect combination to make her stand out in a crowd! Years later, we reconnected when I walked into my eye appointment and she was my tech! While she is no longer in high school, she still knows how to catch everyone's eye! Desi is 5'2 and typically wears a small. 

Meaning Behind the Brand

First thing on the "start a business" checklist is to name your business. What sounds like an easy task was actually the hardest part. I wanted it to be perfect. I envisioned an easy name to say and read but it had to have a meaning behind it. Opening a boutique became a reality thanks to my friend and hair stylist, Kaylin. Another friend, Lauren had also recently opened an online boutique and was given the opportunity to be a part of the salon storefront as well. I started to think about what connected the three of us. Suddenly, the meaning hit me, Miley. 

 Miley was Lauren's cousin, Kaylin's best friend, and a lifelong friend of mine who unexpectedly passed away in 2013. Her smile lit up the entire room and her hugs were out of this world. She had the biggest and most pure heart and her love for Jesus was stronger than most people I know! While no one is perfect, I truly believe she was an angel sent from Heaven to change our lives for the better. One of my favorite pictures of her is the one you see here in front of a hibiscus bush. Pink was her favorite color and she loved to take pictures so this picture screams her personality! 

I began working with hibiscus but it was just too hard to say! Throwing around ideas with two of my BFFs and one mentioned bloom. Short, sweet, and full of meaning. It was perfect. I immediately reached out to my graphic designer and told her the name and asked her to incorporate the hibiscus flower. She designed the perfect logo and I was officially in business!
When I think of bloom, I not only think of my sweet Miley, but I also think of myself and those who choose to wear my clothes. I planted a seed in my community and am watering the heck out of it. Watching it bloom into something special is the most amazing reward. May we always continue to bloom into our best selves, and shine on others around us.